As we move into week 4 of our social skills class, we will continue to strengthen our friend files, review expected and unexpected social behaviors, and continue to be mindful of our positive and negative qualities.  This week’s topic and skill to be added to our discussions and activities is Self-Control.

Everyone can be impulsive from time to time but as we mature we learn how to control our instincts, refrain from unexpected social behaviors, and be able to hold a negative thought without sharing it out loud.  Self-Control requires thinking and is a skill needed to help children control their feelings and behaviors at home, in the community, at school, during social interactions and even when playing video games.  Good self control skills improve children’s decision making skills, reduces impulsive actions, and helps during times of frustration. For example, a child may use self-control when finding a science test to be difficult and not understanding the questions.  Rather than quitting, ripping up the paper, or writing down any answer, they are able to ask for help, use a coping strategy, and attempt to think of a logical answer to the question.  Another example of self-control is during social times.  A new kid joins the class and is receiving much attention from peers.  A child may want to ask the new kid a question but is finding it difficult given the larger circle of children engaging with the new kid.  Rather than the child pushing her way through or yelling to share her question or thought, she could use self-control and wait for another more appropriate time.

As much as we like to limit screen time and video time, video games are another time when children practice self-control skills.  Many games require a stop and think behavior control in order to navigate the site successfully and reach higher levels in the game.  Children must learn to handle frustration and control their emotions in order to play most video games.   I will be showing a short video that talks about self-control and gives specific examples.  We will play a game requiring the children to demonstrate self-control in order to be successful at the tasks presented.

The following video will be shown in class.If you have questions requiring this topic, please do not hesitate to contact me.