Middlesex Educational Services offers Parent Support Groups. Parent groups are open to all parents and are designed to offer feedback, suggestions, and support to all regardless of a child’s ability or disability level, answer questions regarding how to meet your child’s needs during these uniquely challenging times, and how to support your child’s transition to the next grade level.

Topics addressed in previous Parent Support Groups have been:

  • ADHD: Supports and Strategies within the home and the school to best meet your child’s unique needs
  • Executive Functioning: Introduction to Executive Functioning and reviewing supports and strategies to help your child be successful
  • Understanding your Child’s IEP: Explaining the Special Education process as well as helping you understand each part that makes up an IEP
  • Behavior Management: Identifying behavior challenges exhibited by children and adolescents and how to implement supports and strategies to manage these behaviors and replace them with more effective coping skills.

Call or email to find out when our next parent group is meeting.