Last week we got to know each other and began creating “people files” and “friend files”.  It was amazing to hear the students express their initial feelings and apprehension about joining our group and then report that they were so happy they came because they were having fun and making friends.  One boy said, “I didn’t realize how much I missed being with friends.”  Now, more than ever, being social is difficult due to the isolation of Covid-19 and students are missing the interactions that school, sports, and activities provided.

We will begin week 2 by welcoming students who were unable to attend the first week and developing a friend file for those students.   Developing friend files is one of many social skills or concepts that will be taught in our program.  During week 2, various other behaviors and concepts that are considered to be a social skills including using manners, staying on topic, using quiet voices, looking at the person who is speaking, waiting your turn, think it don’t say it, sharing materials, accepting differences, following directions, and much more will be discuss.  Activities and games will be played to reinforce the meaning of each of these social skill or concepts.

Good social skills and positive communication are the foundation of meaningful friendships and relationships.  Some children are easily able to read social cues and adjust their behavior to match the situation or environment they are in.  But others need to be specifically taught the skill and understand why the skill is important in connecting with people.  Practicing in our small group will help students be more adept in interacting with others appropriately.

  The following link is a set of social skills we practiced.  You can print 2 copies and make cards to play either a “go fish”or  memory matching game.